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Documentation contribution

MkDocs Material icon

The project documentation website is based on MkDocs framework and on following theme and plugins:

Please refer to their respective documentation.

Set up

Install the optional docs group:

poetry install --with docs


Run the website in development mode:

poetry run mkdocs deploy

Open localhost:8000 in your web browser.

The preview will be live-updated once you change the documentation.


Running following command will serve what’s on pages branch:

poetry run mike serve

This preview won’t be live-updated with your latest changes as it would be with mkdocs serve. This is because Mike simply serves what’s built on pages branch.

Changing the content

Into docs folder, you can find the Markdown source files which can be edited. mkdocs.yml file lists the website structure.

Deployment workflow

Only on main branch, a website job will be triggered containing the documentation build for a specific version. It creates a commit which is added to pages branch with poetry run mike deploy $version command. Then the commit is pushed on the git repository remote from the job with an access token. The coverage report is integrated in the website build. The artefact is retrieved from the coverage job with needs: keyword.

From pages branch, an other pipeline is triggered, publishing the documentation website to for all versions via GitLab Pages.

Access token

A git push is performed from the job to the remote repository via the authorisation provided via an access token set in CI/CD variables. The access token has to be renew every year, since this is the maximum lifespan we can set for an access token at its creation. The access token has to be created on a project basis with repository_write checked and with Developer role.