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Multi-recipients transfers and automation

We want to transfer money to multiple recipients and to automate that process.

Create a recipients file

Create a file (i.e.: recipients.txt) containing the list of the recipients public keys you want to send money to.


# comment 1
<amount1> <pubkey1>

# comment 2
<amount2> <pubkey2>:[<checksum2>]

The file content should be prefixed with RELATIVE or ABSOLUTE so the amounts will be expressed in UD Ğ1 or Ğ1.

Set up the authentication


Finally, you just have to run following command:

silkaj -a <account_name> money transfer --file recipients.txt


In case you want to automate a transfer on a regural basis, on the first day of the month in this example, you can set a crontab on your machine (preferably a machine running 7/24):

0 0 1 * * silkaj -a <account_name> money transfer --file recipients.txt --yes

Pass --yes option so no confirmation gets prompted. In case a password is set on the authentication, pass as well the --password <password> general option.