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Install Silkaj


Installing Silkaj from the package manager of your favorite distribution might not be available or might not come with latest Silkaj version. In order to get latest version install Silkaj with pipx or pip from PyPI which you can find in next sections.

Packaging status


On a Unix system, run in your shell following commands:

Install libsodium

sudo apt install libsodium23
sudo dnf install libsodium-devel
brew install libsodium

Install pipx

Check pipx documentation for an extended installation tutorial.

sudo apt install pipx python3-dev
sudo dnf install pipx python3-devel
brew install python3 pipx

Install with pipx

pipx tool is recommended for Python executables. It isolates libraries into separated virtual environments.

Ensure path

Takes care to add Pipx executables in the PATH of your shell:

pipx ensurepath


pipx install silkaj


pipx upgrade silkaj


pipx uninstall silkaj

Check Silkaj is working


Install with pip

pipx installation is recommended, but you can proceed with pip if you know what you are doing.

Install pip

sudo apt install python3-pip
sudo dnf install python3-pip

Already installed with python3

Completing PATH

If after Silkaj intallation you get a bash: silkaj: command not found error, you have to extend the PATH with ~./local/bin:

echo "export PATH=$PATH:$HOME/.local/bin" >> $HOME/.bashrc
source $HOME/.bashrc

Install for current user only

pip install silkaj --user


pip install silkaj --user --upgrade

Uninstall (useful to see the real paths)

pip uninstall silkaj --user

Check Silkaj is working


Shell completion

Set up the shell completion by adding following line in your shell configuration depending on your shell:

eval "$(_SILKAJ_COMPLETE=bash_source silkaj)"
eval "$(_SILKAJ_COMPLETE=zsh_source silkaj)"
_SILKAJ_COMPLETE=fish_source silkaj | source

For further details checkout Click documentation.

Install to contribute

Check out the installation guide with Poetry.