Coverage for silkaj/blockchain/ 20%
79 statements
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1# Copyright 2016-2025 Maël Azimi <>
3# Silkaj is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
4# it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
5# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
6# (at your option) any later version.
8# Silkaj is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
9# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
11# GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
13# You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
14# along with Silkaj. If not, see <>.
16import time
17from operator import itemgetter
18from urllib.error import HTTPError
20import arrow
21import rich_click as click
22from duniterpy.api import bma
24from silkaj import tui
25from import get_head_block
26from silkaj.constants import ALL, BMA_SLEEP
27from import client_instance
28from import identity_of
31@click.command("blocks", help="Display blocks: default: 0 for current window size")
32@click.argument("number", default=0, type=click.IntRange(0, 5000))
34 "--detailed",
35 "-d",
36 is_flag=True,
37 help="Force detailed view. Compact view happen over 30 blocks",
39def list_blocks(number: int, detailed: bool) -> None:
40 head_block = get_head_block()
41 current_nbr = head_block["number"]
42 if number == 0:
43 number = head_block["issuersFrame"]
44 client = client_instance()
45 blocks = client(bma.blockchain.blocks, number, current_nbr - number + 1)
46 issuers = []
47 issuers_dict = {}
48 for block in blocks:
49 issuer = {}
50 issuer["pubkey"] = block["issuer"]
51 if detailed or number <= 30:
52 issuer["block"] = block["number"]
53 issuer["gentime"] = arrow.get(block["time"]).to("local").format(ALL)
54 issuer["mediantime"] = (
55 arrow.get(block["medianTime"]).to("local").format(ALL)
56 )
57 issuer["hash"] = block["hash"][:10]
58 issuer["powMin"] = block["powMin"]
59 issuers_dict[issuer["pubkey"]] = issuer
60 issuers.append(issuer)
61 for pubkey in issuers_dict.items():
62 issuer = issuers_dict[pubkey[0]]
63 time.sleep(BMA_SLEEP)
64 try:
65 idty = identity_of(issuer["pubkey"])
66 except HTTPError:
67 idty = None
68 for issuer2 in issuers:
69 if (
70 issuer2.get("pubkey") is not None
71 and issuer.get("pubkey") is not None
72 and issuer2["pubkey"] == issuer["pubkey"]
73 ):
74 issuer2["uid"] = idty["uid"] if idty else None
75 issuer2.pop("pubkey")
76 print_blocks_views(issuers, current_nbr, number, detailed)
79def print_blocks_views(issuers, current_nbr, number, detailed):
80 header = (
81 f"Last {number} blocks from n°{current_nbr - number + 1} to n°{current_nbr}"
82 )
83 print(header, end=" ")
84 if detailed or number <= 30:
85 sorted_list = sorted(issuers, key=itemgetter("block"), reverse=True)
87 table = tui.Table(style="columns")
88 table.set_cols_align(["r", "r", "r", "r", "r", "l"])
89 table.set_cols_dtype(["i", "t", "t", "t", "i", "t"])
90 table.fill_from_dict_list(sorted_list)
91 table.set_cols_align(["r", "r", "r", "r", "r", "l"])
92 table.set_cols_dtype(["i", "t", "t", "t", "i", "t"])
93 print(f"\n{table.draw()}")
95 else:
96 list_issued = []
97 for issuer in issuers:
98 found = False
99 for issued in list_issued:
100 if issued.get("uid") is not None and issued["uid"] == issuer["uid"]:
101 issued["blocks"] += 1
102 found = True
103 break
104 if not found:
105 issued = {}
106 issued["uid"] = issuer["uid"]
107 issued["blocks"] = 1
108 list_issued.append(issued)
109 for issued in list_issued:
110 issued["percent"] = round(issued["blocks"] / number * 100)
111 sorted_list = sorted(list_issued, key=itemgetter("blocks"), reverse=True)
112 table = tui.Table(style="columns")
113 table.fill_from_dict_list(sorted_list)
114 table.set_cols_align(["l", "r", "r"])
115 table.set_cols_dtype(["t", "i", "i"])
116 print(f"from {len(list_issued)} issuers\n{table.draw()}")