Coverage for silkaj/wot/ 29%
77 statements
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1# Copyright 2016-2025 Maël Azimi <>
3# Silkaj is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
4# it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
5# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
6# (at your option) any later version.
8# Silkaj is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
9# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
11# GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
13# You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
14# along with Silkaj. If not, see <>.
16import sys
18import arrow
19import rich_click as click
20from duniterpy.api import bma
21from duniterpy.api.client import Client
22from duniterpy.documents import Block, BlockID, Certification, Identity, get_block_id
23from duniterpy.key import SigningKey
25from silkaj import tui
26from silkaj.auth import auth_method
27from silkaj.blockchain import tools as bc_tools
28from silkaj.constants import ALL, DATE
29from silkaj.g1_monetary_license import license_approval
30from import client_instance, send_document
31from silkaj.public_key import gen_pubkey_checksum, is_pubkey_and_check
32from silkaj.wot import tools as wot_tools
35@click.command("certify", help="Send certification")
38def certify(ctx: click.Context, uid_pubkey_to_certify: str) -> None:
39 client = client_instance()
41 checked_pubkey = is_pubkey_and_check(uid_pubkey_to_certify)
42 if checked_pubkey:
43 uid_pubkey_to_certify = str(checked_pubkey)
45 idty_to_certify, pubkey_to_certify, send_certs = wot_tools.choose_identity(
46 uid_pubkey_to_certify,
47 )
49 # Authentication
50 key = auth_method()
52 issuer_pubkey = key.pubkey
53 issuer = pre_checks(client, issuer_pubkey, pubkey_to_certify)
55 # Display license and ask for confirmation
56 head = bc_tools.get_head_block()
57 currency = head["currency"]
58 license_approval(currency)
60 # Certification confirmation
61 certification_confirmation(
62 ctx,
63 issuer,
64 issuer_pubkey,
65 pubkey_to_certify,
66 idty_to_certify,
67 )
69 # Create and sign certification document
70 certification = docs_generation(
71 currency,
72 pubkey_to_certify,
73 idty_to_certify,
74 issuer_pubkey,
75 head,
76 key,
77 )
79 if ctx.obj["DISPLAY_DOCUMENT"]:
80 click.echo(certification.signed_raw(), nl=False)
81 tui.send_doc_confirmation("certification")
83 # Send certification document
84 send_document(bma.wot.certify, certification)
87def pre_checks(client: Client, issuer_pubkey: str, pubkey_to_certify: str) -> dict:
88 # Check whether current user is member
89 issuer = wot_tools.is_member(issuer_pubkey)
90 if not issuer:
91 sys.exit("Current identity is not member.")
93 if issuer_pubkey == pubkey_to_certify:
94 sys.exit("You can`t certify yourself!")
96 # Check if the certification can be renewed
97 params = bc_tools.get_blockchain_parameters()
98 requirements = client(bma.wot.requirements, pubkey_to_certify, pubkey=True)
99 req = requirements["identities"][0] # type: dict
100 for cert in req["certifications"]:
101 if cert["from"] == issuer_pubkey:
102 # Ğ1: 0<->2y - 2y + 2m
103 # ĞT: 0<->4.8m - 4.8m + 12.5d
104 renewable = cert["expiresIn"] - params["sigValidity"] + params["sigReplay"]
105 if renewable > 0:
106 renewable_date =
107 sys.exit(f"Certification renewable from {renewable_date}")
109 # Check if the certification is already in the pending certifications
110 for pending_cert in req["pendingCerts"]:
111 if pending_cert["from"] == issuer_pubkey:
112 sys.exit("Certification is currently being processed")
113 return issuer
116def certification_confirmation(
117 ctx: click.Context,
118 issuer: dict,
119 issuer_pubkey: str,
120 pubkey_to_certify: str,
121 idty_to_certify: dict,
122) -> None:
123 cert = []
124 client = client_instance()
125 idty_timestamp = idty_to_certify["meta"]["timestamp"]
126 block_id_idty = get_block_id(idty_timestamp)
127 block = client(bma.blockchain.block, block_id_idty.number)
128 timestamp_date = arrow.get(block["time"]).to("local").format(ALL)
129 block_id_date = f": #{idty_timestamp[:15]}… {timestamp_date}"
130 cert.append(["ID", issuer["uid"], "->", idty_to_certify["uid"] + block_id_date])
131 cert.append(
132 [
133 "Pubkey",
134 gen_pubkey_checksum(issuer_pubkey),
135 "->",
136 gen_pubkey_checksum(pubkey_to_certify),
137 ],
138 )
139 params = bc_tools.get_blockchain_parameters()
140 cert_ends =["sigValidity"]).format(DATE)
141 cert.append(["Valid",, "—>", cert_ends])
143 table = tui.Table()
144 table.fill_rows(
145 cert,
146 ["Cert", "Issuer", "->", "Recipient: Published: #block-hash date"],
147 )
148 click.echo(table.draw())
150 if not ctx.obj["DISPLAY_DOCUMENT"]:
151 tui.send_doc_confirmation("certification")
154def docs_generation(
155 currency: str,
156 pubkey_to_certify: str,
157 idty_to_certify: dict,
158 issuer_pubkey: str,
159 head: Block,
160 key: SigningKey,
161) -> Certification:
162 identity = Identity(
163 pubkey=pubkey_to_certify,
164 uid=idty_to_certify["uid"],
165 block_id=get_block_id(idty_to_certify["meta"]["timestamp"]),
166 currency=currency,
167 )
168 identity.signature = idty_to_certify["self"]
170 return Certification(
171 pubkey_from=issuer_pubkey,
172 identity=identity,
173 block_id=BlockID(head["number"], head["hash"]),
174 signing_key=key,
175 currency=currency,
176 )