Coverage for silkaj/money/ 86%
72 statements
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1# Copyright 2016-2025 Maël Azimi <>
3# Silkaj is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
4# it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
5# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
6# (at your option) any later version.
8# Silkaj is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
9# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
11# GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
13# You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
14# along with Silkaj. If not, see <>.
16import sys
17from typing import Optional
19import rich_click as click
21from silkaj import tui
22from silkaj.auth import auth_method, has_auth_method
23from import get_head_block
24from import tools as m_tools
25from silkaj.public_key import gen_pubkey_checksum, is_pubkey_and_check
26from import get_currency_symbol
27from silkaj.wot import tools as wt
30@click.command("balance", help="Get wallet balance")
31@click.argument("pubkeys", nargs=-1)
33def balance_cmd(ctx: click.Context, pubkeys: str) -> None:
34 if not has_auth_method():
35 # check input pubkeys
36 if not pubkeys:
37 sys.exit("You should specify one or many pubkeys")
38 pubkeys_list = []
39 wrong_pubkeys = False
40 for input_pubkey in pubkeys:
41 checked_pubkey = is_pubkey_and_check(input_pubkey)
42 if checked_pubkey:
43 pubkey = str(checked_pubkey)
44 else:
45 pubkey = input_pubkey
46 wrong_pubkeys = True
47 print(f"ERROR: pubkey {pubkey} has a wrong format")
48 if pubkey in pubkeys_list:
49 sys.exit(
50 f"ERROR: pubkey {gen_pubkey_checksum(pubkey)} was specified many times",
51 )
52 pubkeys_list.append(pubkey)
53 if wrong_pubkeys:
54 sys.exit("Please check the pubkeys format.")
56 total = [0, 0]
57 for pubkey in pubkeys_list:
58 inputs_balance = m_tools.get_amount_from_pubkey(pubkey)
59 show_amount_from_pubkey(pubkey, inputs_balance)
60 total[0] += inputs_balance[0]
61 total[1] += inputs_balance[1]
62 if len(pubkeys_list) > 1:
63 show_amount_from_pubkey("Total", total)
64 else:
65 key = auth_method()
66 pubkey = key.pubkey
67 show_amount_from_pubkey(pubkey, m_tools.get_amount_from_pubkey(pubkey))
70def show_amount_from_pubkey(label: str, inputs_balance: list[int]) -> None:
71 """
72 Shows the balance of a pubkey.
73 `label` can be either a pubkey or "Total".
74 """
75 totalAmountInput = inputs_balance[0]
76 balance = inputs_balance[1]
77 currency_symbol = get_currency_symbol()
78 ud_value = m_tools.get_ud_value()
79 average = get_average()
80 member = None
82 # if `pubkey` is a pubkey, get pubkey:checksum and uid
83 if label != "Total":
84 member = wt.is_member(label)
85 label = gen_pubkey_checksum(label)
86 # display balance table
87 display = []
88 display.append(["Balance of pubkey", label])
90 if member:
91 display.append(["User identifier", member["uid"]])
93 if totalAmountInput - balance != 0:
94 m_tools.display_amount(
95 display,
96 "Blockchain",
97 balance,
98 ud_value,
99 currency_symbol,
100 )
101 m_tools.display_amount(
102 display,
103 "Pending transaction",
104 (totalAmountInput - balance),
105 ud_value,
106 currency_symbol,
107 )
108 m_tools.display_amount(
109 display,
110 "Total balance",
111 totalAmountInput,
112 ud_value,
113 currency_symbol,
114 )
115 if average:
116 display.append(
117 [
118 "Total relative to M/N",
119 f"{round(totalAmountInput / average, 2)} x M/N",
120 ],
121 )
123 table = tui.Table()
124 table.fill_rows(display)
125 click.echo(table.draw())
128def get_average() -> Optional[int]:
129 head = get_head_block()
130 try:
131 return head["monetaryMass"] / head["membersCount"]
132 except ZeroDivisionError:
133 print("The currency reached zero members")
134 return None